Why did it happen? I told you in 2020 why it happened. Because the Church was playing games. The Church lost their way of worship. The Churches were turned into party places not prayer places where God's Word was truly celebrated. No, everything changed. The music in the world became worldly. The danced for themselves and celebrated themselves, not God. How many of those singers were soul winners? They were never soul winners. They will lead praise in the Church and when it is time for prayer, they are out. They have gone to another church to do another song. They were professionals, making money from the Church, charging for their singing, pretending they were singing praise to God. It was all a charade and many of the pastors didn't know that this was the world coming to the Church and they helped to celebrate them. I did at the beginning. When I changed, they refused to change with me. Yeah, I had to let them go. Cause God was getting my attention and telling me this is not the way. So I came back and I said to them, "Hey, if anybody celebrated you, I did. Now, the Lord is asking us to do the right thing." And I showed from the Scripture what was the right thing but well, they had become too popular and they were making some money which wasn't big money. Do they even know what money is? But the little money they were making was too attractive. Their hearts were overcharged. So they didn't want to follow me in the direction we were going. They made a detour and I hope they all repent cause I told them the direction they were going was a wrong direction. One day, those Churches that were inviting them to come and do special singing for them will stop inviting them. Once those Churches repent and start doing the right thing too, they will close their doors. Because what they were doing is not from God. I told you what the ministry is supposed to be like. For true worship. So, those people parading, going from place to place that they are worship leaders, there is nothing like that. They are not worship leaders. That ministry doesn't exist. The only one who had that role was fired by God and it was Satan. So true praise is in the House of God not some Minister so and so traveling from place to place collecting money from people to be paid and he say he is a minister of worship. He is not. Don't give him money, don't pay and see what happens. That person will be retired very quickly.
