Oba omega"Grikata zoom master",is no doubt one of the hottest and accepted artistes in the oil rich  city of port harcourt presently. with his music and musical vidoes enjoying massive airplay on tv and radio stations across the niger delta states.he has established himself as an entertainer who has won several awards among which is the best musical artiste in niger delta,best stage performer,rivers state culture and tourism ambassador. Born Emmanuel Amachree, oba omega started his music career many years ago in port harcourt before sojourning to french country ivory coast, where he dropped his first album in french language.He relocated to port harcourt 3years ago and within his short entrance into nigerian music scene he has bagged over 10 awards.Eric jeminiwa engaged oba omega in this revealing interview where he spoke about his music career,his new album amongst other issues.

How did your music career began?
It started way back while i was still in primary school but professionaly it all began 15years ago here in port harcourt and i later left for lagos.in 1993 i left to ivory coast and i spent 10years in ivory coast before i relocated back home during the civil war in ivory coast.i released my first album in ivory coast which was a hit and it gave me popularity over there but i had to leave when the war broke out.i left ivory coast for Ghana where i lived for about 5years. i also dropped an album while i was in Ghana which was also a hit then.

What inform Your infusion of  different genres of music into your style of music?
I started out doing dancehall music but you cant be in the french country and not be influenced by their style of music because they are more into soukous African music. so i realised that African music is very important and i decided to infuse soukous and some other gentres in my style. This is what gave me my unique style of music,Grikata which is riddled with hip-hop,hi-life,dancehall and makossa.

What are you working on presently?
I Just came out with another album tittled "Etigi Dance in Great nation". i gave it that tittle because i sang about our leaders in one of the tracks and at the same time "Etigi' is a dance style i originated. I decided to bring it in so that everybody can dance and enjoy the message.

How many albums do you have now in market?
This is my second album i came back to nigeria. the first was more of an introdutory album which showcased what iam capable od doing and i thank God it was well accepted.

Tell us more about the Etigi dance steps?
Etigi dance is a calabar cultural dance mixed with makossa.i have released the vidoe of the song which is enjoying massive airplay across nigeria.when you watch it you will see exactly what iam talking about.

As culture and tourism Ambassador of rivers state,what are your roles?
Thank you for this question, my roles are to project rivers state a number one tourism location in nigeria and also project thre culture of our people in a positive way to attract tourists which in turn bring in investors.
I  am also going to use my office top fish out talents from cultural talent hunts i will organise across rivers state.
